
Think about your favorite color, think about your possessions with that color; do you seek that color out? How does that color make you feel? Would you paint your bathroom THAT color? 
Color is powerful! Mood altering! Emotionally stimulating! And culturally recognized! Our world is bombarded with color choices, in every aspect of living, (and dying!)
As many of us probably remember, color is not actually "ON" the object we see. For those of us that need a refresher... Issac Newton discovered through the prisms, that color is made up of wavelengths of light, that are absorbed or reflected by the object. A black object would absorb all the wavelengths, and white would reflect the wavelengths of light. 

The color spectrum, or wheel, has the 3 primary colors, Yellow, Red, and Blue. Then we get the secondary colors, Green, Violet and Orange. And lastly the tertiary colors being, Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, Yellow-Green and Blue-Green. Color is made up of 2 properties, The first property being the Hue, which simply refers to the color itself. Though Hue and Color, are generally synonyms, the second property of color is value.

We learned about  Value in our last discussion, which is the relative lightness and darkness of color, we gain this by adding black or white to the original hue.


There are 3 dimensions to color, Hue, Value and lastly Intensity, (or chroma), which refers to the saturation of hue perceived in the color. Though this is similar to changing the value of color,  there are 2 ways to change the intensity of color, by adding grey to it, or by adding it's compliment which would be the color directly across from it on the color wheel.    Beth Kujawski

Notice in the 2 examples above the different intensity of the colors and how they "react" when placed next to each other. 
Below, we see the intensity more clearly when using paint, and adding the complimentary colors.

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